Hyper 3D Spectrum
A journey towards hyperuranium
The project
At the end of February 2015, the Hyper 3D Spectrum project resulted from an idea by Gaetano Danzi (contributor, president of the interdisciplinary cultural association Ad Pythagoram, and passionate about the philosophy of mathematics and geometric art).
On February 21, 2015, during a visit to the exhibition of the Dutch artist M. C. Escher, which was taking place in Rome in the Bramante Cloister, Danzi was struck by the famous woodcut print "Metamorphosis II", in which, among other things, a horizontal chessboard in 2D is depicted; from this the idea of building a three-dimensional cubic chessboard was born.
From 2015 to 2018, three years of studies and designs followed, which led to the construction of a series of objects called "Hyper 3D Spectrum"′, having the shape of a hypercube (i.e. a 3D representation of a cube in four spatial dimensions).
Hyper-objects that generate hyper-thinking
As part of the Blue Brain Project, neuroscientists have discovered that the human brain articulates thoughts by representing increasingly complex geometric shapes, which can have up to seven dimensions and, in some areas of the brain, even up to 11 dimensions.
From this came the idea of stimulating the mind through hyper-dimensional objects to elevate it to higher levels of thought, without however the aid of virtual effects. This effect can be achieved by replacing the standard structures of cultural representation, which are all two-dimensional and flat (sheets of paper, pages, canvases, surfaces, game boards, etc.) with new complex three-dimensional structures having the form of hyper-solids, to which a series of original elements is added: transparency, pale colours, the mirror support base, movement and rotation.
The purpose of a cultural revolution
Hyper 3D Spectrum is aimed at the world of design, art, mathematics, games of intelligence, learning and, more generally, culture.
The ultimate purpose is to set off a cultural revolution.
Events, awards and creative contributors involved
Gaetano Danzi has involved other creative contributors in the project who have performed their works on hyper-spectres: the artist Angelo Palumbo has created Hyper Quadrum, the first painting in 3D in the world, while the young poet Linda Tantalo has composed the Hyper-Poetry. Francesco Diperno, artist manager, and Nicolo′ Montesano, director, also joined in on the project.
On 20th October 2018,...
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Hyper Chessboard
Hyper Quadrum
Hyper Lux
Hyper Poetry
Hyper Tabula
The strengths of the Hyper 3D Spectrum include:
  • the uniqueness of the design;
  • adaptability to various market sectors (e.g. design, art, games, learning, culture);
  • transparency, allowing light to pass;
  • a pale colour, allowing light to pass;
  • specularity, multiplying the images for them to be seen from opposite corners;
  • movement and rotation in space.
Currently there are no products on the market that can compete with the Hyper Spectrums given their original characteristics.
The patent-protected objects already made are:
  • "Mondrian-Escher" hyper-chessboard (the first three-dimensional chessboard in the world);
  • Hyper-Quadrum (the world′s first three-dimensional picture);
  • Hyper-Lux (the hyper dimensional light);
  • Hyper-Poetry (three-dimensional poetry);
  • Hyper-Tabula (the three-dimensional blackboard).
Hyper 3D Spectrum objects are protected by:
  • design patent issued on 04-07-2018 by EUIPO;
  • trademark registered on 30-10-2018 at the EUIPO;
  • filed on 06-06-2018 with SIAE.
Gaetano Danzi
Gaetano Danzi, creative contributor, lawyer by profession, president of the interdisciplinary cultural association Ad Pythagoram, passionate about the philosophy of mathematics and geometric art, organizer of cultural events; conceived, designed and created the Hyper 3D Spectrum objects among others.
Angelo Palumbo
Angelo Palumbo, artist, restorer, high school teacher of art history; since the 80s, accumulated vast experience in the art world, both as an artist and as an organizer of various national and international exhibitions; created numerous pictorial and sculptural works, including prototypes of design and papier-mâché; author of important artistic projects such as Uomo Nuovo and Fossili Futuri. In 2011, participated in the 54th Venice Biennale. A founding member of the interdisciplinary cultural association Ad Pythagoram. Since 2018, collaboration on the Hyper 3D Spectrum Project having created Hyper-Quadrum, the first completely three-dimensional painting in the world.
Francesco Diperno
Francesco Diperno, artist manager, writer, graduated in Management for Arts and Entertainment at the University of Florence, deals with art and communication, in particular with artist management, events, artistic direction and creative writing. He organized the Ancient Vanguard festival, hosting internationally renowned artists and musicians, including Yuval Avital and Francesco Tristano. He worked for the Open Sound Festival of Matera as an artist care manager. He has participated in numerous training courses and Erasmus projects throughout Europe, with work experience in the Middle East and Asia.
Nicolò Montesano
Nicolò Montesano, director, author of numerous short films including Love T R.I.P. (2015), gained a great deal of experience in directing international tennis tournaments; a creative contributor and marketing expert.
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Hyper 3D Spectrum c/o Gaetano Danzi
Via Lucana n.64 - 75100 Matera - Italia
Email: hyper3dspectrum@gmail.com